Bachelor of Business Administration & Tennis Management
Business Courses
The Strategy course is a state-of-the-art workshop that gives managers, consultants and coaches the knowledge to develop an effective strategy for their business or clients’ business. Pressure for short term financial results and shareholders value does not release executives from the responsibility for the long term success. If they want to reach excellence in their business they have to be capable of articulating a strategy that differentiates from the competition.
This course will hone your intuition and equip you with tools to turn strategic ideas into actions. You will be provided with state-of-the-art concepts that have been validated in the field as well as the latest developments in strategic thinking and you will learn through case studies a scheme of how to use them in several business situations. You will sharpen your competitive skills and change the way you will strategically manage your business.
Leadership is an essential component of business success, involving a complex interaction between the leader, followers and situation. It describes a process in which a person influences, motivates and enables others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of organizations of which they are members.
At this course several leadership „KPIs“ are explained to the participants. The importance of value systems and their creation as well as different tools that can be applied not only in business but also in private life are presented.
What distinguishes a succesfull leader and diverse personal, behavioural and communicational aspects come into duscussion as well as the importnace of sharp strategic skills and how these can advance to excellence.
Manager do not only need to think entrepreneurially but also have to understand the financial relations within the company in order to achieve long-term success for the company.
This course will help you to improve rapidly your finance skills and develop a good understanding of main financial concepts.
The explanation of P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow and Key Performance Ratios and the connection to strategy, business operations and corporate results will help you sharpen your finance know-how and equip you with the skills to manage your business successfully.
Overview and Aims
The aim of this programme is to enable participants to develop specific skills that are pivotal to successful management and effective leadership. This programme encourages participants critical thinking and problem solving skills, develops their team working and interpersonal skills. By enhancing these skills participants will develop their levels of emotional intelligence and hence their credibility within the organisation.
The programme has a direct application to the work environment and participants are encouraged to draw upon their current (and past) work experience in order to contextualise their learning. As a result learners are encouraged to become more aware of themselves, their diverse personality traits, attributes and beliefs, and how these shape their own approach to work and that of colleagues. This strong sense of self awareness and awareness of others underpins the successful practice of management and effective leadership.
Programme Content
The programme will cover the following areas:
- Enhancing working effectiveness: to include establishing organisational and personal values and goal setting, strategic stakeholders’ analysis, personal resilience and managing stress.
- Effective communication: active listening, identification of needs, communication styles, presenting with impact.
- Negotiation skills: conflict management, understanding differences, the cultural dimension.
- Decision making: analysis and problem solving, creative thinking, project management and tracking, risk management.
- Emotional Intelligence: positive mental state, understanding self, building relationships.