The course for process management an activity based costing was realized by Prof. Andre Coners: His expertise ranges from his activity as a partner at the consulting company Horváth and Partners but also as a professor at the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences.
Once again the ZEBS students were looking forward to a demanding ZEBS course, and Prof. Coners met these expectations for sure.
The first day was a mix of learning theoretically on the topics of process modeling and process deficiency analysis. This was combined with a set of activities in which first practical experience was gained by the students.
After that, the process evaluation had the spotlight on. Prof. Coners led the students carefully but with many practical connections of his career experience and supported this with the activity accounting.
Finally this course elaborated the topics overall equipment effectiveness and change agent training. As Prof. Coners met the expectations of the students, it inherits being a hard struggle learning and working through this material in only 3 days. Still, the motivation of the students on this business crucial subject and the professor’s great course modulation resulted in a very positive conclusion for the course.
Peter, IMP-MBA student